On this page we provide the steps needed to ensure your selection of a new website provider is done in a compliant and transparent manner.
Parish Council website change, steps to changing your website supplier
OgImage: General/MyParishCouncil_Logo-3.png


  1. Meeting 1 - Agenda Item 1. Propose a review of the current site for both cost and suitability.
  2. Meeting 1 - Agenda Item 2. Propose a small team or person be assigned to evaluate options.
  3. Meeting 2 - Agenda Item 1. Present / demonstrate the proposed new solution with cost and benefits analysis. (Online demonstrations available monthly by TEEC)
  4. Meeting 2 - Agenda Item 2. Seek approval to place the proposed solution out to tender.
  5. Meeting 3 - Agenda Item 1. Present results from the tender process.
  6. Meeting 3 - Agenda Item 2. Seek approval to engage with the chosen supplier and if needed inform the existing supplier of contract termination.
  7. Meeting 3 - Agenda Item 3. Seek approval to have clerk and or councillors attend free of charge online training.
  8. Meeting 4 - Agenda Item 1. Seek approval to launch based on all current content having been migrated.
  9. Meeting 5 - Agenda Item 1. Confirm launch of the site and inform counncillors on how to raise support tickets.