1st Login In and Navigate to "News"
The news function is intended to allow parish or community news to be published and appear on the home page as well as on the dedicated news page. The latest 2 news articles appear on the "Home" page.
Edit or Add
To edit or add news first go to the "News" in the left menu and then either select "List News" to edit an existing one, or select "Add News" to create a new one.
The screen grabs of the forms below shows the layout of the "Add News" form. Simply complete the form and then "Save Draft" or "Publish. The News will then appear on the News web page as well as the Home page.
The "+" symbol under the "Files available to download" text allows you to select from the "Media Library" (if you had already uploaded the document there) or to upload the document and select at the same time.
Create a News entry using this form